Common Mistakes to Avoid for Brochure Printing

"With so many professional design softwares available, small and large businesses alike choose to create their own marketing literature. Unfortunately, many people send their full color brochures to print without knowing how to make a seamless transition from the design program to the printer. Usually, brochure printing companies have to send back the design to the customer more than once because of submission errors. Many offices have a deadline to meet and cannot afford to spend extra time sending and resending their brochure to print. A few of the most common mistakes to avoid include:

1. Images are often the cause of returned submissions for two reasons: a low resolution or no bleed allowance. Photographs need to be at least 300 dots-per-inch (dpi) for high quality results when printed. Anything less will appear pixilated. Bleeding involves extending images beyond the edges of the brochure so that when cut to size, the images extend to the very edge of the page. When designing, extend your pictures at least 1/8th of an inch beyond the edge of the document.

2. If you want the final brochure size to be 11x17, don't design it with a 8.5x11 template. What often happens is that the customer will choose the standard template size when designing, then see the other size options when placing an order and make the change at the last minute. Before beginning the design process, look at the size options provided by your printing company and make your decision at this point. Some printers even offer templates for each size of brochure that they provide.

3. Protect the ink on your brochure from finger smudges by using an appropriate coating. Do not use a printing company that only offers varnish, as this type is not strong enough to hold up to the rough handling that many brochures receive. Gloss such as UV or aqueous are both strong and relatively inexpensive.

Brochure printing is completely do-able from the office. Just remember to follow these tips for fewer setbacks in the printing process.


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Visit these sites for more information on brochure printing and full color brochures.

Article Source: - Common Mistakes to Avoid for Brochure Printing

Brochure Printing, Full Color Brochures