Kyani New Kid in the Block


Two very prominent families invested into Kyani, the Hansen's and the Taylor's. The Taylor family have a very successful business, grossing over $350 million dollars a year with their product, Idaho Potatos. The Taylor's were happy to contribute $300 million to Kyani, because they believed on the product so much. Hansen's come from the petroleum business. As you all are very aware of, the oil business is a very good business to be involved in, especially with this high and costly gas prices. The Hansen Family obviously are well off, with a very handsome income. When Kyani the product, and compensation plan, was presented to these families, they were on board immediately.

Kyani is the new kid on the block, and the company is growing fast. Kyani is based out of Idaho Falls, Idaho. Established in 2005, Kyani invested over $300 million dollars prior to opening its doors, which is considered the most secure launch in MLM history. With this great financial support, Kyani has been set to endure the long haul.

What is Kyani?

You may have heard of, Noni Mona Vie, and many other products that are on health and wellness market. Well, Kyani is nothing like any of those products because Kyani was created to make you healthier, wealthier, and very affordable to the "average joes" wallet. Making this product very economical is huge, especially in this current recession. Kyani is the only one in the industry that can actually prove it.

Very respected Dr. Maureen McKenzie, spent over 10 years studying the Native People and Alaska with hopes of discovering the secret that kept these people for the most part disease free. The incredible immune function as well as cardiovascular function of these native people produced two underestimated proven facts:

1. A high Omega-3 intake can create an environment for your cardiovascular and heart function to reach its optimum potential.

2. The higher your antioxidant level the stronger your cellular structure can function.

The diet of these native people also happened to include two of the super-food powerhouses, Alaskan Sockeye Salmon and Wild Alaskan Blueberries.

The antioxidant super-blend Kyani Sunrise is distinct in the fact that it contains these berries. Dr. Steven Pratt, author of Super Foods RX, stated, "I tell my patients that blueberries are one of the three major Super-Foods, along with spinach and salmon. If you learn nothing else from Super Foods Rx, remember to eat blueberries and spinach most days and salmon...these three foods alone will change your life and health." The blueberry is very well known for being the leader of antioxidant rich fruits. However, all of that changed with the discovery of the Alaskan Wild Blueberry.

The Alaskan Wild Blueberry has evolved in an extremely diverse environment. With 2 freezes, blizzards, and up to 3 months of continuous sunlight the Wild Alaskan Blueberry survives in a truly arduous locale. By adapting the thickness of its skins to endure these harsh natural pressures, this miracle berry has survived through centuries of incredibly difficult circumstances. It is also a well known fact that the skin of berries and fruits in general contain up to %70 or more of the actual nutritional content. The skin of this berry is nearly 10 times thicker than its domestic cousin we are familiar with in our grocery scores. It is there for easy to assume that the antioxidant content is nearly 10 times higher then the average domestic blueberry as well. Science has been able to prove this to be a fact.

Kyani is one of the best business opportunities available today. Why? Because, Kyani is at is launched, and people who join this awesome business have a very good chance of become very successful. Like stated before Kyani is the "New Kid On the Block", and ready to compete with the well established companies of Xango, Mona Vie, Herbalife, and Noni. The best time to join is now, when the company is young. It would not surprise me to see Kyani in front of a soccer jersey in the near future. Does David Beckam ring a bell, he sports the Herbalife logo on his Galaxy uniform.

Paul Zane Pilzer, noted economist and scholar, has predicted trend after trend based on the Baby Boomer generations needs and wants. For example, when the Baby Boomer generation was born, companies like Gerber and Pampers ballooned into billion dollar companies. Remember the real estate boom? Baby boomers have been responsible for every major economic trend the Americas have felt over the past 65 years. Paul Zane Pilzer predicted that the next big trend lies in Health and Wellness. This is a $300 billion dollar industry that has been predicted to grow by an extra $700 billion dollars over the next 5 years. But why? Well, Baby Boomers are now retiring and changing their lifestyles and activities. They do not want to feel old, they want to feel young and enjoy the money they spent all their lives earning. The trend is there, and it is growing.

The Kyani Compansation Plan

The Kyani Compensation Plan is like no other. To fully appreciate the difference between Kyani and every other company on the market, you must first understand what sets Kyani so far apart.

· No Break Aways (You Never Lose A Leg, Ever)
· %100 Matching Checks On Any Personally Sponsored Distributor (Not %50 On The Smallest Leg Like Our Competitors Boast)
· 3 x 7 Forced Matrix (You Need Only Find 3, The Snowball Forces Growth Of Your Down-line)
· Unmatched Bonuses (You Make Money Right Away)
· Minimum %3.5 Commission On All Levels (For Life)
· Unlimited Leveling (Your Business Never Stops Growing)
· Ground Floor Opportunity (Read On)
· Unmatched Support (Your Up-line Loves You)

Kyani is on whats known as a Ground Floor. This business came to California in August of 2007. This business went international in May of 2008 to over 40 countries worldwide. Essentially, the room for growth potential in an "infant" company with the most incredible product to ever hit the market is obvious. Unlike its competitors, Kyani was created to allow for its Distributors to actually make money.

Kyani uses sample bottles to market its product. Unlike its competitors that require you to purchase the product before you even try it, they are so confident in their 8 day sample bottle that they guarantee a noticeable effect after and during the sample period. The ability to earn %100 matching checks is really the most notable aspect of their business plan. By matching checks, a distributor need not be a superstar, but can go out and find superstars and become incredibly wealthy.

There is also no "sign up cost" or bulk purchase housing. The Kyani distributor need not stock product in their home or at their office, the fully integrated ordering system allows a customer or distributor to receive their product every month without the independent distributor needing to "house" product. Kyani distributors need only buy a start up kit worth upwards of $600.00 that includes:

· 12 Sample Bottles
· 6 32oz Sunrise Bottles
· 2 90 Capsule Sunset Bottles
· Sunrise 1oz Travel Packs
· All Learning Materials
· DVD's For Presentation
· Pamphlets, Brochures, ETC
· Folders And A Professional Zipper Planner
· Professional Web Site And Email Address

When you take into consideration the fact that most companies require that you pay a start up fee from anywhere between $120.00 to $1500.00. Once this fee is paid, the distributor receives a number and a slip of paper. Kyani is a real business, a real opportunity, and does not require you to pay a fee. Aside from that, most companies also require that you purchase a Bulk Order every single month to continue active membership in their business. Kyani requires only that you and your spouse purchase the minimum product required for you to actually take yourself.

The 32oz Sunrise bottles generally sell for anywhere between $55.00 and $75.00, the samples are actually sold at times for as much as $15.00 ea, the Sunset bottles sell for $55.00 to $75.00 as well. The travel packs sell for around $5.00 ea. The Kyani Starter pack was designed to allow a new distributor to make money quickly (generally within 2 weeks of product receipt) by providing a launch pad for the new distributor to "launch" their business. Kyani has their distributors in mind, they have to become millionaires for Kyani to succeed.

Kyani also provides incredible bonuses. For your first 3 distributors, you receive $25.00 a piece. You also receive $25.00 a person until your first three have their three. At this point, you hit director level. At director your new sign up bonus jumps from $25.00 to $100.00 a person. Not only that, if you hit director within your first 30 days you will receive and additional $500.00 bonus check. Essentially, new distributors can easily double their money within the first month of business. But, it gets better. As you gain more distributors, you level even higher and your bonuses increase. The second level from Director is the Executive Level. At this level Kyani Leases a brand new Cadillac Escalade for 2 years, pays the insurance, pays the maintenance, places a vinyl advertisement on the back windows with their logo and your phone number, then gives the vehicle to you. All that is required of the executive is that they put gas into their Escalade.

The Kyani Support System is also unmatched. Whether its on the computer, over the phone, or via a dvd player, the Kyani support system will practically guarantee the success of its new distributors. Not everyone can speak to a public audience, but the Kyani up-line has speakers who can present meeting for you. There are conference rooms, office buildings, and homes all across the country that are hosting Kyani speakers. The testimonials a Kyani distributor recieves are so ranged and varied that their is not nearly enough room to begin listing the ailments it has healed. Whether its speaking, marketing, or general business support, there is no other company as well equipped as Kyani. Further proof shows that other companies are actually losing distributors to Kyani on a daily basis.

The Kyai business has attracted Doctors, Nurses, Real Estate Agents, Insurance Agents, Lawyers, and an astonishing amount of other professionals. This opportunity is so new that the chances of having a single distributor in your state or country are very slim. Kyani owns the licensing to the use of these Alaskan Wild Blueberries, so they own the market. The trends are real, the business is designed to make you money, and the time is now. Don't make this another opportunity you regret taking, you could be the top of your line, today.

Mona Vie, Herbalife, Noni, and Xango, are well respected and established. It is now Kyani's turn, still at ground level and, ready to launch.

It is a very simple formula that can be duplicated by anyone who comes into the business. This business model is supposed to take all the things that are preventing the average person from succeeding, out of the equation.

Aldo Gonzalez from San Fernando Ca, young entrepreneur recently joined forces with Kyani. Aldo discovered it as a very sophisticated system that takes the stress away of running a network marketing business.

Learn more about Kyani at:

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Article Source: - Kyani New Kid in the Block

MLM, Network Marketing, Make Money Online, Work From Home, Business Opportunity, Small Business, Health And Wellness, Omega-3, Monavie, Mona Vie, Cash From Home, Kyani, Xango, Herbalife, Success From Home, Money From Home, Cash Gift, Genewize, Aldo Gonzalez, Anitoxidants