How Would You Like To Start An Internet Based Home Business?

Home businesses are the new big thing. Within the last few years more people not just moms and dads have been working from their own home offices. There are many different understandable reasons for this such as freedom to do what you want, not having a boss, financial freedom and much more. As a younger person I am often asked if I feel like I'm missing out on something by not working in an atmosphere with people. The answer? No. I did my dues for the most part. I know what it is I am and am not missing. Just like everyone else I have a story! I was a Chef for about 10 years. This is one of the hardest jobs to have if you want to actually have a personal life because the time just doesn't allow for it! So, I decided "no more". The first Internet based business I had was a research firm I started. It lasted for about two years and then I started to feel the pull on my personal time again. Plus it got sort of boring, ya know?

The point I'm trying to make is if you want to DO something online to make money, then do it! The multitude of positions, jobs, businesses, and opportunities is absolutely endless. You can get into things like network marketing, selling products online, selling services online, write articles, write e-books, etc. The sky is the limit in what you can do as well with how much money you can make. But with any other job, the harder you work, the more benefits you will reap in the end. I think it takes a certain sort of person to work at home. You have to have at least a small piece inside of you that is a little responsible! If you don't, you might end up taking four hour lunches, or knocking off work early to go have a drink, or screwing around too much!

I won't lie, I work from 700am til 1100pm sometimes. But (and there always is a but) I love what I do. So, the time doesn't even matter to me. I have a really great friend who works at home, and I asked him one time "how much do I have to work to become successful", his answer? He said, "It depends on you. If you want to really be rolling in the dough but not have any time for yourself you can work non stop. Or if you want to have all the personal time in the world but not have a lot of money, then work whenever you "feel" like it". That's good advice everyone should follow. Somehow or another I have found a balance between success and personal time. Which is terrific for me and my customers.

So instead of this just being words on a website, I'm sure you want to know some sites you can look at or some books you can read, right? Listed below, in my own opinion, are some sites you should visit as well as books you should read. Of course if you find a book you really like and it's not on my list, who cares! Read it, love it, follow everything in the book. I don't have the golden key or the perfect answer to your problems. Like everything else in life, figuring out how to work at home and what you should do to make money, is trial and error. Never give up! If at first you don't succeed try try again!

MoneyMakingMommy - This is a site geared towards moms. However, I have used it on occasion to find work at home businesses, and so can you.
HomeBizTools - As the site says, this is a great way to find different tools for a home based business. You can find things like ideas on what to start, legal dos and don'ts, business resources, scams, etc.
AllWorkAtHomeIdeas - This site includes blogs for ideas on what to start, business directory, home business portals and more
Entrepreneur - One of my favorite paper magazines can also be read online, this site will give you fantastic ideas. Plus they also usually have some sort of a list such as "top 10 franchises to start at home" along with prices, how much you can expect for profits, how many people in the city, state, country, world have started these businesses.

The 200 Best Home Businesses: easy to start, fun to run, highly profitable by Katina Z. Jones
Start & Run A Real Home Based Business by Dan Furman
Best Home Businesses for People 50+ by Paul and Sarah Edwards
101 Businesses You Can Start With Less Than One Thousand Dollars: For Stay-at-Home Moms & Dads
You can also check out other sites like forums, people's blogs, and more. Good luck in your search! I hope you find the perfect business and you have tons of success in doing what you love!

About the Author:

This author is a huge fan of Internet Based Business Opportunity

Article Source: - How Would You Like To Start An Internet Based Home Business?

Internet Home Business, Internet Based Business Opportunity, Start A Home Business On The Internet